Table 2

Functional equivalency scorecard for FRLD financing

CategoryPossible documentation
Overall capacity
  • Accreditation with other UN funds (e.g. GCF, AF)
  • Governments receiving budget support from multilateral development banks
  • Track record of delivered projects
  • Personnel with technical knowledge relevant to the project
  • Personnel with experience relevant to the project
Fiduciary standards
  • Financial management systems
  • Accounting practices
  • Publicly available documents
  • Reporting practices
Environmental and social safeguards
  • Gender assessments
  • Environmental impact assessments
Governance and institutional integrity
  • Laws
  • Bills
  • Regulation
  • Enforcement mechanisms
  • Other evidence not listed above, including qualitative evidence (e.g. traditional and indigenous knowledge, testimonies from beneficiaries from previous projects, collected case studies from research such as reports or academic papers)