Table 1

Multi-factor criteria to determine equitable disbursement of funds

Importance with high, medium, and low weighting, explanation, and related principle

Allocation criterionExplanationWeightingPrinciple
VulnerabilityDifferentiates country vulnerability beyond the definition in the Governing Instrument (i.e. minimum allocation floor for SIDS and LDCs) through ND-GAIN, MVI, population size, or other indexes as appropriate for country contextLow to medium weighting (where higher vulnerability is positive and lower vulnerability is negative)Fairness, capacity, capability
Greenhouse gas emissionsAverage annual GHG emissions over the last five years prior to applicationHigh weighting (negative)Fairness, responsibility
Gross Domestic ProductAverage annual GDP over the last five years in the year prior to application (50/50 split of GDP per capita and GDP total)High weighting (negative)Capacity, capability, fairness
In-country actions and efforts to build resilience (including maintenance and upgrading of infrastructure)Efforts directed towards climate change adaptation and resilience-building relative to capacity determined through qualitative and case-by-case analysis of country’s nationally determined contributions or adaptation strategiesMedium weighting (where higher ambition is positive and lower ambition is negative); relative capacity can be demonstrated through qualitative meansResponsibility
Percentage of GDP loss (for trigger-based projects)Funding based on percentage of GDP loss up until cap on total funding is reachedNo weightingFairness
Total loss and damage (for trigger-based projects)Cap on total fundingNo weightingFairness