Figure 1

Estimated impact of AUKUS on numbers of operational SSNs/SSGNs in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean in a crisis

Number of US SSNs/SSGNs operational in Western Pacific without AUKUS8868
Planned US/UK SSNs operational in rotational forces in west and east deployable within 5 days04-54-55-6
RAN SSNs expected to be operational in Western Pacific and Indian Ocean within 5 days0026
Expected additional US/UK SSNs that could surge into Western Pacific and Indian Ocean within 14 days20161618
Expected total allied SSN/SSGN force operational in Western Pacific after 14 days2828-2928-2937-38
% rise in allied operational SSNs in Western Pacific within 14 days as a consequence of the addition of RAN SSNs0%0%8%16-19%
% rise in allied operational SSNs in Western Pacific within 14 days as a consequence of AUKUS0%17-21%25%41-46%

Author’s calculations; see endnote 44

SSN: nuclear-powered general-purpose attack submarine; SSGN: nuclear-powered guided (cruise) missile submarine; RAN: Royal Australian Navy